Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tang's Week

Didn't really need to plan a lot of meals for this week b/c a lot of our meals have been out/will be out. However tonight I'm making Cajun Chicken Pasta, courtesy of Pioneer Woman. The picture looked so good when I saw it this morning I went out to the grocery and got all the ingredients!

Gotta plan some kid-friendly meals- my sister's kiddies will be staying with us Sat-Tues! Hopefully they won't be mad when I don't use 100% organic like their mama!

*update* PW's Cajun Chicken Pasta was oh so good, I felt like I was eating "restaurant food" ha! Was a hit with the husband as well! Would definitely recommend that recipe if you like 'cajuny' stuff!


  1. Don't you love pioneer woman? it makes me want to be nicer to Scott...don't tell him, though. :)

    You can be the "crazy aunt and uncle" instead of letting them listen to rock music and drink beer you could feed them chicken fingers and easy mac!

  2. Haha, yes, they will be getting good fattening food!!
